
The 杰罗姆社会 is a network of alumni and friends of LPL外围网址 who are our most loyal and generous patrons for our students. The Society includes individuals who commit to an annual minimum $1,000 gift to the Donnelly Fund. The Donnelly Fund sustains our mission each year, supporting our most urgent needs, 年度计划, 以及学生服务.

Cost alone should not keep anyone from going to college, but it does. Donnelly’s low tuition (about 75% less than the average U.S. Catholic college) increases accessibility and helps students graduate in a timely manner with minimal debt. Donnelly’s commitment to access means tuition revenue does not cover the full cost of educating students. The Donnelly Fund fills this gap. 作为杰罗姆协会的会员, you are investing in our day-to-day mission of making the transformative power of a Catholic college opportunity available to all.


Each year that you donate a total of $1,000 or more to the Donnelly Fund, you will be a member of the 杰罗姆社会. Membership is on an annual basis and your gift must be renewed each year to continue membership.

Monthly Recurring Gift Option:

为了您的方便, you may divide your Donnelly Fund gift into monthly recurring donations deducted automatically from your credit card.




Where did the 杰罗姆社会 get its name?

The 杰罗姆社会 honors the legacy of the College’s co-founder 杰罗姆·基勒修女,OSB, a world renowned academic and member of the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica. Much like Saint Jerome, patron saint of students, Sister Jerome and co-founder Bishop George J. Donnelly became patrons for students when they founded LPL外围网址 to make Catholic higher education available in the urban core of Kansas City, KS. Since Donnelly opened in 1949, 许多修女, brothers and priests have served the college and followed in Sister Jerome’s footsteps, continuing her mission of empowering students and changing their lives through an affordable, faith-based higher education. Members of the 杰罗姆社会 are today’s patrons of our mission.

Membership Recognition and Engagement Benefits

Membership benefits start at the time you make your gift and will be accessible for a total of 12 months. 福利包括:

  • Quarterly Newsletters (by email)
    • 仅限会员更新的大学
    • 偷窥校园活动
  • Recognitions
    • All members are listed by length of membership in the quarterly newsletter.
    • Members will be recognized annually in the winter edition of the 唐纳利消化.
    • Permanent member recognition with an engraved brick installed in the 杰罗姆社会 Courtyard commemorating the year a member joins.
  • Invitations to the College's annual Common Read events
    • The Common Read is a campus-wide initiative that allows all students, faculty, and staff to read and discuss a thought-provoking book throughout each academic year. A new book is selected for each academic year.
    • Receive a free copy of the Common Read book that is read by all students and integrated across curriculum.
    • Attend author lectures and related Common Read on-campus presentations or discussions.
    • Join faculty, staff and students in a special book discussion.
  • Invitation to an annual 杰罗姆社会 Summer Social
    • A casual, on-campus gathering with food and beverages, along with Donnelly's president and other leaders and faculty.

For more information please contact:

Erika Rothacher的照片

Erika Rothacher
